Vivek Thakur, the BJP candidate from the Nawada Lok Sabha constituency, unveiled a comprehensive resolution letter outlining a development roadmap until 2030 for the area. One of the key initiatives mentioned in the resolution is the construction of a railway line directly connecting Nawada to Pawapuri in the Nalanda district, thereby providing a direct link to Patna. Currently, residents have to travel via Gaya to reach Patna, which adds unnecessary travel time and inconvenience.
Thakur also emphasized the proposal to establish a nuclear power plant in Rajauli, which has been in the pipeline for several years. Addressing the press, Thakur stated that the resolution aims to facilitate the development of Nawada in alignment with the broader goal of a developed India. He reiterated his commitment to the development of Nawada, highlighting various ongoing projects that will continue despite the ongoing election season.
Priority projects outlined in the resolution include the construction of a railway section to connect Nawada and Barbigha with the Patna-Delhi main rail line, as well as the construction of a bypass road from Odhanpur village to Kadirganj to alleviate traffic congestion. Additionally, efforts will be made to construct a ring road around Nawada for better connectivity. Thakur also announced plans to install CCTV cameras in all markets of the Nawada Lok Sabha constituency to ensure the safety of traders.
The resolution also focuses on tourism development, with plans to boost tourism at Kakolat Waterfalls and construct memorial places in honor of eminent personalities from Nawada. Furthermore, Thakur highlighted the proposal to construct the Ishwari Chaudhary Memorial Building.
During the press conference, Thakur was accompanied by state media in-charge Sunil Sewak, former MLAs Anil Singh and Kanhaiya Rajwar, BJP District President Anil Mehta, Lok Sabha convenor Vinay Kumar Singh, Prof. Vijay Kumar Sinha, Sanjay Kumar Mutra, and other dignitaries.
Thakur’s vision for Nawada’s development also includes considering the proposed Sakri Nat River Link Irrigation Project, aiming to enhance irrigation capabilities in the region.”