PATNA On Thursday night, frustrated residents, led by local youth, surrounded the Bihar’s Nawada district’s Hisua block’s power substation to demand better electricity supply. The group, mobilized via social media, gathered at the power sub-station to voice their concerns about the erratic power supply during the day and complete outages at night. They highlighted the negative impacts on education, water supply, and daily activities like using household appliances.
Personnel at the substation explained that Hisua requires 21-22 MW of electricity but is currently receiving only 8-9 MW. The youth criticized local leaders and public representatives for their long-standing neglect of this issue, stating that mere announcements and statements are not enough to solve the problem.
Demand for Night Electricity
During the protest, the youth demanded a consistent electricity supply, especially during the night. They warned that if the issue is not resolved, they would resort to more widespread agitation and possibly take to the streets.
Electricity Department Releases Linemen’s Contact Numbers
In an effort to address consumer grievances, the electricity department has released the contact numbers of linemen and maintenance personnel. Electricity SDO Vinod Kumar Choudhary urged consumers to report issues to the following numbers:
– Sudhir Kumar: 7004930344
– Sunil Kumar: 7004328399
– Sudhir Kumar: 9525280759
– Abhimanyu Kumar: 6203461018
Recent Protests
The electricity crisis in Hisua recently led to a roadblock on the Hisua-Nawada road near Sakra turn. Residents have made it clear that continued inaction will lead to further demonstrations and disruptions.