India’s cricket board, BCCI, has reported a substantial surplus of approximately 1.5 billion dollars over the five-year period ending in 2021/22, as revealed during a rare disclosure of its financial status in the country’s parliament. Known for its financial opacity, the BCCI’s earnings have been fueled by India’s fervent passion for the sport and competitive bidding wars for broadcasting rights.
A recent statement by a government minister in parliament shed light on the BCCI’s financial prowess, divulging a revenue of 919 million dollars and expenses of 370 million dollars for the fiscal year until March 2022. This resulted in a surplus of 549 million USD, marking the board’s largest surplus over the five years from 2017/18. During this period, the BCCI garnered earnings of 3.3 billion and incurred expenses of 1.8 billion.
The influential BCCI’s dominance in global cricket is often attributed to its immense financial strength in comparison to other national cricket boards. Notably, it stands to gain a substantial share of approximately 230 million USD annually between 2024 and 2027, representing 38 percent of the ICC’s yearly earnings of 600 million USD, according to ESPN Cricinfo.
Notably, the BCCI clinched a staggering 6.2 billion dollars by selling media rights for the immensely popular IPL twenty20 tournament last year. Further bolstering its financial position, the board has recently initiated a tender process for media rights related to its international and domestic matches, a move poised to generate another significant windfall. The BCCI’s earnings underscore its pivotal role in the global cricket landscape.