In a significant development, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah chaired a pivotal review meeting of the state’s Higher Education Department this Saturday. During the session, he issued a resounding directive to officials, emphasizing the pressing need to prioritize the filling of vacancies in teaching positions, particularly within the Kalyana Karnataka region and other areas affected by backlog.
Speaking with the press following the meeting, CM Siddaramaiah underscored the vital role played by teachers in maintaining the desired standards and quality of education within the state’s educational institutions. Consequently, he firmly instructed the relevant authorities to expedite the recruitment process for teaching positions in Kalyana Karnataka and other areas with backlog.
In addition to this critical directive, the Chief Minister also advocated for the establishment of a uniform calendar of events. This measure aims to ensure that various universities within the state synchronize their schedules, preventing events from conflicting with each other and causing undue inconvenience to students seeking admission.
Officials briefed the CM on ongoing efforts by the Higher Education Council to address this matter comprehensively. Furthermore, the review meeting delved into discussions regarding the distribution of laptops and tablets to university students, as well as the provision of stipends to Ph.D. students.
Siddaramaiah’s commitment to enhancing the state’s educational infrastructure was also apparent in his directives regarding the construction of a hostel for a thousand female students in Arts and Science at the Mysore Maharani Arts College. This ambitious project is estimated to cost ₹99 crore, and the CM ensured that ₹47 crore from the department’s budget was allocated. The CM also expressed his concern for the dilapidated state of Maharani Science College in Mysuru, stressing the need for its renovation and construction.
Furthermore, Siddaramaiah revealed his plans to inspect the progress of the project during the Dussehra celebration. He expressed his desire to see a well-equipped hostel built, emphasizing the economic background of the students who primarily belong to lower-income families.
The Chief Minister’s commitment extended to the improvement of 16 government engineering colleges in the state and the overall enhancement of financial discipline and transparency within the higher education sector. He encouraged closer cooperation between the Finance Department and the Higher Education and School Education departments, stressing the need for proposals that would augment educational infrastructure and improve the quality of learning.
One notable revelation during the meeting was the readiness of the Backward Classes Welfare Department to assume control of 224 hostels with a collective capacity of 13,169 students, originally constructed by the Higher Education Department. Siddaramaiah urged officials to present this matter before the cabinet for further consideration.
This comprehensive review meeting, led by Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, underscores the government’s commitment to bolstering education and promoting excellence within Karnataka’s academic institutions. The state’s future educational landscape stands to benefit significantly from these forward-looking directives and initiatives.