The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) unveiled its election manifesto, termed ‘Sankalp Patra,’ for the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections today, Sunday, April 14. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, and party President JP Nadda were present during the release. The manifesto focuses on addressing the concerns of the poor, youth, farmers, and women.
Prime Minister Modi emphasized the party’s commitment to providing healthcare for the elderly and the middle class. He announced that individuals above 75 years of age would be included in the Ayushman Bharat Yojana. Additionally, the Mudra Yojana’s loan limit has been increased to Rs 20 lakh to foster entrepreneurship in the country.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh expressed satisfaction in fulfilling all promises made under PM Modi’s leadership. He described the manifesto as a roadmap for a self-reliant and capable India, catering to the welfare and development of every section of society.
BJP National President JP Nadda credited the clear mandate from the people for the party’s accomplishments, including the abrogation of Article 370. He highlighted the construction of the grand Ram Mandir as a landmark achievement under PM Modi’s leadership.
It’s noteworthy that the BJP had recently formed an election manifesto committee for the Lok Sabha elections, with Defence Minister Rajnath Singh as its chairman. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman was appointed as the convenor, and Union Minister Piyush Goyal as the co-convenor.