In the biggest democracy of the world, the clamor of the electoral grandeur has begun. The first phase of the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 witnesses voting today. In celebration of this occasion, Google has crafted a special doodle. On Google’s homepage, users will see an image of a hand with an ink mark on the index finger. With this unique doodle, Google commemorates the commencement of the electoral festival of the world’s largest democracy. It is well-known that marking the index finger with ink during voting time is a tradition in India for voters.
Google’s doodle for today, April 19th, will be displayed on the Google homepage throughout the day for Indian users. Google has depicted a hand with an ink mark on the index finger to symbolize voting in today’s doodle. Clicking on the doodle directs users to the latest election-related search results, providing them with the freshest updates on the elections in India.
The Lok Sabha Elections 2024 will be held in seven phases, with the first phase witnessing voting on April 19th. The first phase covers voting for a total of 102 seats across 21 states and union territories. The final phase of the elections will take place on June 1st, 2024. Vote counting will occur on June 4th, with results being announced on the same day. Approximately 970 million voters are participating in the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections in India, where they will elect their representatives for all 543 seats in the Lok Sabha.
Google has not disclosed the name of the designer responsible for today’s doodle on its official doodle page. It’s worth noting that Google doodles are created by various artists, including Google’s internal team and guest artists.