PATNA : A bizarre incident occurred on Saturday in Siur village, located within the Roh police station area. Angered by a lack of electricity, a young man attacked an electricity meter reader with a knife.
The attack left the meter reader, Nitish Kumar, with a wound on his left arm, causing significant bleeding. Upon receiving information about the incident, the police arrived at the scene, rescued the injured Nitish Kumar, and admitted him to the primary health center in Laroh for treatment. After receiving medical care, Nitish Kumar was discharged and reinstated by the agency with permission from BPDCL.
Nitish Kumar reported that he was working on meter readings in Siur village on Saturday. After taking the meter reading for Pintu Singh, son of Bachchu Singh, he inserted the print of the bill into the meter. Pintu Singh then verbally abused Nitish, complaining about the lack of electricity while still being charged for the bill. Amidst the confrontation, Pintu attacked Nitish with a knife, injuring his left arm.
Nitish and his colleague, meter reader Priyaranjan Kumar, allege that Pintu also snatched their bill printer. The injured meter reader informed Jitendra Kumar, junior electrical engineer of Roh Power Sub Station, about the incident. Roh police station in-charge Basant Kumar Rai stated that no official application regarding the incident has been received yet. He assured that upon receiving an application, an FIR would be registered and further action would be taken.