Ram Navami 2024: Today, on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami, in Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir, Lord Bhuvan Bhaskar adorned Lord Ram with a Sun tilak. The sight was magnificent.
Countrywide Celebrations Mark Ram Navami
Ram Navami, the celebration of Lord Ram’s birth, is being fervently observed across the nation. This year holds special significance as it marks the first Ram Navami after the grand inauguration of Lord Ram’s temple in Ayodhya. Thousands thronged to catch a glimpse of him on this special occasion. To enhance the auspiciousness, Lord Ram was adorned in new attire, adorned with a new crown, and most notably, Lord Bhuvan Bhaskar blessed him with a Sun tilak. For a full five minutes, the rays of the Sun adorned the forehead of Lord Ram.
Sun Tilak Ceremony During Auspicious Time
The Sun tilak ceremony for Lord Ram was performed during an auspicious time. While thousands witnessed this divine sight firsthand, millions watched it live on mobile phones, TVs, and laptops. As the rays of the Sun fell upon the forehead of young Lord Ram, it felt as though the coronation of King Ram was happening in Ayodhya today. The spectacular sight of the Sun tilak has been scientifically realized through an Opto-Mechanical system, developed with the guidance of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, and the Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee.
Opto-Mechanical System for Sun Tilak
The process of the Sun tilak was carried out through an Opto-Mechanical system, utilizing four mirrors and four lenses. The rays of the Sun were redirected towards the sanctum sanctorum through mirrors and lenses. The final lens and mirror redirected the Sun’s rays onto Lord Ram’s forehead, where the Sun tilak was applied. This unique sight left devotees mesmerized.