PATNA: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar laid the foundation stone for a cement grinding unit at Warsaliganj in Nawada district on Saturday. This unit, set to cost Rs 1,600 crore, is being developed by Adani Group-owned Ambuja Cements Limited and marks the largest investment in Bihar by a cement industry player.
The project will have an overall capacity of 6 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) and will be implemented in three phases. The first phase, with a capacity of 2.4 MTPA and an investment of Rs 1,100 crore, is expected to be commissioned by December 2025, according to a company statement.
“This investment by the Adani Group is a testament to Bihar’s growth potential and our commitment to fostering sustainable development for the people of Bihar,” said CM Kumar.
The project is located in Mosama village and is well connected by road and rail networks. It is expected to contribute approximately Rs 250 crore per year to the state’s fiscal revenue and create 250 direct jobs and 1,000 indirect jobs.
Pranav Adani, director of Adani Enterprises Limited, highlighted that the investment aligns with the state government’s development programs and growth plans. He noted that the cement industry is experiencing healthy volumes due to the government’s infrastructure thrust, and Ambuja Cements is well-positioned to support sustainable infrastructure development.
The Bihar Industrial Area Development Authority (BIADA) has allotted 67.90 acres of land for this cement unit, with environmental clearance obtained for the site. Additionally, Ambuja Cements Limited has been allotted 26.60 acres of land in the industrial area of Motipur in Muzaffarpur district for another cement unit.
Furthermore, the Adani Group has made investment proposals for Araria, Kishanganj, and Begusarai. Other major industrial players like JK Cement, PepsiCo, and Coca-Cola are also planning to set up units in Bihar, raising hopes for significant employment generation.