The buzz around Bihar’s civil servant, IAS officer Dr. S. Siddharth, intensified as the Election Commission of India issued orders to remove home secretaries from six states from their positions in light of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Among them is Bihar’s own home secretary, Dr. S. Siddharth. Following the Election Commission’s directive, S. Siddharth once again finds himself in the spotlight. Dr. S. Siddharth is one of Bihar’s IAS officers from the 1991 batch. Currently serving as the principal secretary to the chief minister and also in the role of home secretary, Dr. Siddharth holds degrees in B.Tech and Ph.D. from IIT Delhi and an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad. He has previously served as the district magistrate in Muzaffarpur, Aurangabad, and Bhojpur districts. Known for his simplicity, Dr. Siddharth’s demeanor is such that even the common man cannot gauge his stature.
“Meet the Home Secretary S. Siddharth: Known for his Simplicity”
“Street-side Haircuts and Tea Breaks: A Glimpse into S. Siddharth’s Simplicity”
Dr. S. Siddharth’s simplicity has garnered attention on numerous occasions. Recently, he was spotted getting a haircut from a roadside barber, exhibiting his down-to-earth nature. Unfazed by his powerful position, Dr. Siddharth blends in seamlessly with the common folk, whether sipping tea by the roadside or having breakfast from street vendors.
“Like a Commoner: Vegetable Shopping with S. Siddharth”
Dr. S. Siddharth has been spotted multiple times buying vegetables from local markets, carrying his own bag just like any other commoner. Without any security detail, he mingles with the crowd, living life like an ordinary citizen. While most people fail to recognize him, some snap pictures of him and share them on social media, leading to his images going viral.
“S. Siddharth: A Passion for Flying”
IAS officer S. Siddharth also harbors a passion for flying planes, having undergone formal training for it. Last year, he shared a picture and recounted his experience of flying solo for the first time, reminiscing about his childhood memories and dreams.