New Delhi, In a groundbreaking revelation, Elon Musk, the visionary CEO of Tesla, shared a captivating video featuring the latest creation of his company – the humanoid robot named Optimus. Musk’s tweet showcased Optimus in action, confidently navigating a room, exemplifying its prowess in undertaking tasks deemed unsafe, repetitive, or mundane.
“Going for a walk with Optimus,” tweeted Musk, accompanying the text with a mesmerizing video capturing the robot’s deliberate strides across the room. The footage quickly gained momentum, amassing over nine million views within a few hours, triggering a surge of enthusiastic comments from viewers.
X users flooded the comments section with a mix of excitement and admiration. One user drew a parallel to the Transformers film franchise, playfully noting, “Optimus looks ready to battle Megatron.” Another user marveled at the natural-looking gait, remarking, “Gait is a lot more natural looking than I expected.”
The video marks another milestone in Musk’s campaign to showcase the capabilities of Tesla’s humanoid creation. Notably, a previous viral video exhibited Optimus flawlessly folding a shirt, further emphasizing the robot’s versatility in handling everyday tasks.
Tesla’s mission, as outlined on its official website, envisions “building a world powered by solar energy, running on batteries and transported by electric vehicles.” The unveiling of Optimus aligns with Musk’s ambitious pursuit of innovation and positions Tesla at the forefront of AI-driven robotic technology.
As Optimus takes its walk into the future, Elon Musk and Tesla enthusiasts anticipate the unfolding impact of this cutting-edge creation, sparking discussions on the integration of humanoid robots into various facets of daily life.