A fire broke out at the NTPC North Karanpura Power Plant located in Tandwa block of Chatra district, Jharkhand, on Friday. Attempts are being made to bring the fire under control. It took two hours to gain control over the fire. It is reported that as soon as the news was received, fire brigade vehicles reached the scene and began efforts to extinguish the fire. Eight fire brigade vehicles are engaged in controlling the fire. Meanwhile, according to NTPC officials, the fire has been brought under control.
Efforts to control the fire continued even after two hours.
A fire broke out in the yard of the BHEL company, operating the NTPC North Karanpura project, in Tandwa, Chatra. Even after two hours passed since the fire broke out, the fire brigade team could not completely control the fire. The fire brigade team is making every possible effort to extinguish the fire.
Eight fire brigade vehicles are engaged in extinguishing the fire.
Eight fire brigade vehicles reached the scene to extinguish the fire. Efforts are underway to extinguish the fire with their assistance. However, according to NTPC officials, the fire has been brought under control.