In an incident that has garnered widespread attention, students of a government school in Bihar’s Gaya district have been caught on video indulging in unbecoming behavior. The footage, recorded on August 19, showcases students exploiting a classroom smart TV by playing explicit Bhojpuri music videos, while their teacher, Nitish Kumar, was momentarily absent from the room.
The school principal disclosed that the students capitalized on the teacher’s absence to initiate the misuse of the educational technology, prompting loud music to resonate within the classroom. The teacher returned, admonishing the students involved and confiscating their mobile devices.
Taking swift action, the school contacted the parents of the implicated students. Despite their assurances that the video had been deleted, it surfaced online after a span of 10 days, rapidly circulating across various social media platforms.
In response to this misconduct, the school administration is deliberating potential measures, including the potential suspension of the involved students.