A shocking incident has come to light from Bhagalpur district, where an attempt was made to burn a whole family alive. The accused poured petrol on four sleeping family members and set them on fire. The victims, including Dada Vidyanand and his three granddaughters, suffered severe injuries in Murli village under Rangra police station. After the incident, chaos ensued, and all the injured were rushed to the hospital for treatment. The incident took place within the jurisdiction of Navgachhiya police in the Murli village.
The injured were referred to Bokaro
In this incident, Dada Vidyanand, his granddaughters Aarti Kumari, Bharti Kumari, and Bhavna Kumari, among four others, sustained serious injuries. They were initially treated at Mayaganj Hospital, and later, they were referred to Bokaro for better medical care. The condition of all four is reported to be critical. After receiving information about the incident, the police arrived at the scene to conduct an investigation. Several bottles of petrol were found at the site.
Fire ignited by pouring petrol
It is reported that everyone in the house was asleep when the perpetrators poured petrol on the sleeping individuals, igniting a fire. After the commotion, other residents and nearby people gathered, gaining control over the fire. Subsequently, the locals rushed the injured to the Navgachhiya Sub-Divisional Hospital, from where they were referred to Mayaganj and later to Bokaro for advanced medical treatment.
Fire ignited at 2 am
The incident allegedly unfolded with the involvement of villagers. However, the identities of the accused have not been revealed yet. It is suggested that the attempted murder occurred due to a dispute. The incident took place around 2 am when the accused poured petrol on Vidyanand Singh and his three granddaughters while they were asleep. This kind of incident has reportedly occurred in the past as well.
What the family members say
Lal Muni Singh, a relative of the injured, stated, “The incident happened around 2 am while we were all sleeping at home. When the commotion happened, my wife and I rushed to the scene. One child survived by being thrown into water, but three girls and Vidyanand Singh got seriously injured. I have no doubt about anyone. Similar incidents have happened before.”
What the relatives say
Yogesh Kumar Singh, a relative of the injured, shared, “We live in Katihar, and we received a call at 3:30 am that something had happened. We caught a train from Katihar and reached home by 4:30 am. By that time, everyone had already been taken to the hospital. All were taken to Mayaganj Hospital, and from there, they were referred to Bokaro.”
What the SP says
Navgachhiya SP Puran Kumar Jha explained that when they arrived at the scene, it was reported that around 4 am, someone had set a fire, resulting in four critical injuries. Further investigation and actions are being taken in the case. The family members were not present at the scene, making it difficult to determine if there was any personal or land dispute. No application has been received so far in connection with the case.