Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has filed his nomination from Wayanad in Kerala for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Accompanied by his sister Priyanka Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi conducted a roadshow where a large number of supporters gathered. During the roadshow, Rahul Gandhi greeted the crowds from atop a large truck, expressing gratitude for their support.
Addressing the gathering, Rahul Gandhi assured the people of Wayanad that he stands with them on all their issues, including the struggles they face, whether it’s human-animal conflicts or other concerns. He emphasized his commitment to bringing attention to Wayanad’s issues at the national and international levels.
Rahul Gandhi, who won Wayanad by a significant margin in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, is contesting from the constituency once again. His main challengers include BJP’s state president Surendran and Communist Party leader Annie Raja. In 2019, Rahul Gandhi secured over seven lakh votes in Wayanad, while his closest rival, CPI’s PP Suneer, received approximately 2.74 lakh votes.
The Lok Sabha elections in Kerala are scheduled for April 26 this year.