Amidst Congress leader Pappu Yadav’s displeasure, RJD leader Bima Bharati will file her nomination as an RJD candidate from the Purnia Lok Sabha seat in Bihar today. Former Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav will also be present on this occasion. JD(U) candidate Santosh Kushwaha has already filed his nomination from this seat on behalf of the NDA. The coalition is still stuck on the candidacy for this seat. However, under the RJD, MLA from Rupauli, Bima Bharati, will file her nomination for the Lok Sabha elections today. Meanwhile, Congress candidate Pappu Yadav is also gearing up to contest the elections.
Workers Called to the Battlefield
RJD candidate Bima Bharati has informed the media about filing her nomination for the Purnia Lok Sabha seat. She has also shared a post on social media stating that on April 3, I will file my nomination as the Mahagathbandhan-supported RJD candidate from the Purnia Lok Sabha constituency. I request all the residents of Purnia Lok Sabha and colleagues of the Mahagathbandhan to come to the rally ground of Purnia and make this event successful by providing your blessings in the form of energy. Esteemed leader and former Deputy Chief Minister Brother Tejashwi Yadav, along with senior leaders of the Mahagathbandhan, will grace this nomination rally.
Tejashwi Yadav to be Present, Silence from Congress
The candidacy of Bima Bharati and ensuring her victory is a big challenge for the Rashtriya Janata Dal. Perhaps that’s why Tejashwi Yadav himself will be present during Bima Bharati’s nomination. He will also address a public meeting in the battleground of Purnia today. Enthusiasm is being seen among RJD leaders and workers regarding his arrival. Meanwhile, both parties have remained silent on the presence of Congress at this event.
Election Mode Activated for Pappu Yadav
On the other hand, Congress leader Rajesh Ranjan, alias Pappu Yadav, has also geared up to contest the elections. He has announced to file his nomination on April 4. He claims to have received blessings from the Congress leadership. Meanwhile, the RJD has clarified that Bima Bharati is the official Mahagathbandhan candidate. Just a day ago, Bima met former Chief Minister Rabri Devi and clarified that she is going to file her nomination on April 3.