Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s recent remarks at a public gathering have raised eyebrows and ignited political discussions. During an event, he seemingly extended an olive branch to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), with whom he had previously parted ways due to political differences. Speaking in the presence of prominent figures, including President Droupadi Murmu and Governor Rajendra Vishwanath, Kumar expressed, “the friendship and relationship will remain for as long as I am alive.” This unexpected praise for the BJP, which he had left twice before, has sparked speculation about his intentions and political alliances.
While the BJP has maintained a discreet silence regarding Kumar’s statement, Bihar BJP chief Saket Choudhary acknowledged the ideological disparities between the two parties but emphasized a commitment to development and progress. He stated, “Nitish Kumar has left, we have asked him to leave. BJP clearly believes that we are together in development but there is a fight on principles. Amit Shah has said that he has no connection with Nitish Kumar.”
On the other hand, Kumar’s ally, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), downplayed his comments, attributing them to his personal relationships rather than a political endorsement. Shakti Yadav from the RJD clarified, “Radha Mohan Singh (of BJP) was sitting in front, so he spoke about his personal relationship. There is no mention of any party. People interpreted him incorrectly.”
This intriguing turn of events is noteworthy, considering that Nitish Kumar was a leading figure in the opposition campaign against the Narendra Modi government in the upcoming Lok Sabha election. The campaign eventually evolved into a coalition of opposition parties named INDIA.
These statements by the Bihar Chief Minister have stirred the political landscape, leaving many to wonder about the potential ramifications of this apparent rapprochement with the BJP.