Roh, Nawada: As temperatures soar, residents of Roh block in Nawada district, Bihar, find themselves grappling with an acute shortage of electricity. The onset of summer has seen a surge in the usage of cooling appliances such as air conditioners, fans, and coolers, exacerbating the strain on the already fragile local power infrastructure.
Despite the escalating demand, the Roh Power Sub Station, responsible for catering to the area’s electricity needs, has been unable to cope with the load due to its poor and low MVA capacity. The situation is further compounded by insufficient power supply from the Nawada Power Grid Station.
For the past several days, residents have been enduring frequent power outages, lasting for hours at a stretch. Many parts of the area experience multiple disruptions within a single day, leaving inhabitants without electricity for essential tasks. The dire situation reached a critical point on Wednesday when a complete power failure persisted throughout the day, prompting concerns over access to drinking water.
Adding to the woes are the poor quality and condition of the 11kV transmission supply wires, which frequently succumb to the heavy load and technical faults induced by high summer power consumption. The persistent tripping and shutdown of supply feeders further compound the challenges, highlighting the urgent need for infrastructure upgrades and maintenance.
Local residents express frustration and distress over the persisting power crisis, emphasizing the urgent need for authorities to address the infrastructure shortcomings and ensure reliable electricity supply, especially during the scorching summer months.