In the midst of the ongoing Lok Sabha elections fervor, Bihar BJP stalwart Sushil Kumar Modi made a significant revelation today through a post on the social media platform ‘X’. He disclosed that he is battling a serious illness for the past six months and it is no longer feasible for him to continue in active politics. Modi stated, “I have been fighting cancer for the past six months. It’s time to inform the people. I won’t be able to do much in the Lok Sabha elections. I have informed PM Modi about everything. Grateful to the nation, Bihar, and the party, and always dedicated.”
After bidding farewell to the Rajya Sabha, there was much speculation. Sushil Kumar Modi, who had been actively involved in Bihar’s electoral politics for three decades, became a Member of Parliament in 2020, filling the vacancy left by the late Ram Vilas Paswan. Recently, when the BJP did not nominate Sushil Modi for the Rajya Sabha by-polls in Bihar, it led people to speculate that the party might field him from Patna or Bhagalpur. However, today Sushil Modi himself revealed his illness as the reason for stepping back from active politics.
Having served as a member of all four chambers of Bihar’s legislature, Sushil Kumar Modi’s political journey spans varied roles, including being a Lok Sabha representative for Bhagalpur constituency. He has been a member of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council, serving as the opposition leader in the latter. Sushil Kumar Modi, a prominent figure in Bihar BJP, has held several key positions, including Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister in Nitish’s cabinet. Despite his aspirations, his dream of becoming the Union Finance Minister remained unfulfilled.
During his tenure, Sushil Modi has been at the forefront of anti-Lalu politics in Bihar, with many accusing him of leading a BJP faction loyal to Nitish Kumar. He has faced allegations for a long time, with critics claiming that under his leadership, BJP in the state became a B-team to Nitish Kumar. While BJP has a significant number of seats in the state assembly, the party once again formed a government under Nitish Kumar’s leadership. Some also suggest that Sushil Modi’s political stature in Bihar has been diminishing since 2017.